Preparing for Tummy Tuck Surgery – 11 Points to Ponder

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Your abdominal skin may become sagging and fatty with age, pregnancy, natural body type, or any abdominal surgery. Tummy Tuck is a procedure that involves the elimination of extra skin and fat along with the tightening of the skin using incisions and other methods. You may achieve an appealing appearance and a well-toned figure with the help of this operation.

Recovery Time Period for the Surgery

As long as you can maintain your weight and physical appearance, the surgery results will endure for a long time. The whole recovery from a tummy tuck takes around a month. In case of any wound, edema, bruising, or discomfort, it may take additional three to four weeks to get complete relief.

Risk and Complications

There can be several risks of undergoing this treatment, such as:

  • Loss of skin sensation for a short period of time
  • Numbness, scarring, swelling
  • Too much time for recovery
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Tissue damage, etc.

Consulting your surgeon face-to-face will help you know about them in detail.

How to Prepare for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

To ensure the success of your operation and long-lasting results, it is crucial to adhere to specific preoperative precautions and guidelines. Following are the safety recommendations and measures you should take before going under the knife.

1. Choose a board certified surgeon

To start with, approach the best surgeon to perform your Tummy Tuck surgery. Any surgeon you choose for your stomach tuck procedure should be board-certified, well trained, skilled, and knowledgeable. You should be able to discuss with your surgeon freely about your current situation, your concerns regarding the surgery, your expectations with the procedure, etc.

2. Choosing the most suitable type of Tummy Tuck

You can discuss the kind of tummy tuck surgery that is most appropriate for you after talking about your worries and expectations for the procedure. Tummy tuck procedures come in a variety of forms to treat specific abdominal issues. Yet again, your surgeon is the best person to help you opt for the most suitable type.

3. Avoid smoking and alcohol

A few weeks before the procedure, you should give up smoking and alcohol, as both can have adverse impacts on your surgery. For instance, your wounds would heal more slowly, which will increase the risk of infection. Your drinking and smoking habits can also have an influence on your blood pressure, which can make your condition worse.

4. Keep Yourself Hydrated

In order to stay hydrated, you might increase your water consumption in the weeks or days before surgery. It may improve the condition of your skin, thus making the surgery less difficult with better outcomes.

5. Eat healthy and maintain a balanced diet

It is important to maintain your health and diet by including more vitamins, proteins and nutrients into your meals. Your surgeon would also suggest adding carbs, avoiding soft drinks and fast food, and consuming only the prescribed medicines. Remember, a healthy person recovers from surgery more quickly.

6. Regular workout or exercise

You could maintain your blood pressure, your health and fitness at par by doing regular exercise and workouts. If you continue exercising after surgery, you can extend the life of your results, thus enhancing your physical and mental well-being. But make sure to follow the recommendation of your fitness instructor as doing the things on your own could ruin your surgery results.

7. Take leave from work

You should take a few days off before the procedure to recover fully from it without stress or strenuous physical activity. You can request a day off from work once the date for the procedure has been set.

8. Get medical evaluation and required tests

Completed status of medical tests required for the operation will allow you to assess your physical condition and determine if you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure. To get ready for the procedure, a medical evaluation is crucial.

9. Avoid a few medications

To prevent excessive bleeding and a speedy recovery after surgery, you should avoid taking specific medications, such as aspirin, herbal remedies, anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals, Prozac, Paxil, Luvox, and more. If you are taking any prescribed drugs, make sure to discuss it with your surgeon.

10. Get help for surgery

Instead of going for surgery alone, it would be wise to bring someone to help you before, during, and after the procedure. This will ease the surgical procedure for you. Additionally, having someone there to take care of you after the surgery will always be better for you.

11. Wear loose clothes

Putting on loose clothing will make it easier for you to dress and undress during and after the procedure, which will make you more comfortable. If you have long hair, you can pull it back with a hair tie.

All these points are noteworthy in spite of preparing for the tummy tuck surgery. For detailed info on the preparation tips, direct consultation with your surgeon will always be advisable.

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